TranspoBINGO 2024

#TranspoBINGO is rolling into a bus priority lane/protected bike lane/crosswalk near you Feb. 22-29, 2024!! We will be taking a trip in time – honoring our past and advocating for our future. We know that our public transportation systems exist thanks to many transportation heroes – well known and less well known. We can’t wait to see what you explore and advocate for this year.
Scroll down for links to the 2024 TranspoBINGO boards!
TranspoBINGO Rulebook – 2024 Edition
Feb. 22-29
Rules of Play: TranspoBINGO is a week-long game that challenges players to use and support public and active transportation, and take advantage of local public spaces. The game rewards players for challenging themselves by taking different types of trips, exploring their city and its public spaces, and supporting and advocating for active transportation. Active transportation means travel by bus, Metro (subway/train), biking, walking, or rolling. Active transportation is not travel by private vehicle or ride hail.
This year’s theme is a Trip in Time – honoring our past and advocating for our future. We know that our public transportation systems exist thanks to many transportation heroes – well known and less well known. TranspoBINGO was inspired by Rosa Parks and Transit Equity Day, which is observed every Black History Month. And while our transportation heroes have made great strides, we know that there’s more work to be done, whether that’s advocating for better service, fighting for traffic safety infrastructure in underserved communities, or making our public transportation and public spaces more accessible.
TranspoBINGO is designed to meet players where they are:
- If you’re new to the game or if you live, work, or play in a place with limited transit options or other challenges, try out a square that is easier or seems fun, and share what worked or didn’t work. Your experiences are crucial to showing what needs to improve.
- If you’re an expert or a repeat player, go all out with your squares, stretch how you use and think about active transportation, be a thorn in our elected officials’ sides, and encourage others to play.
- And if you’re an elected official, agency representative, or someone else who makes active transportation decisions and policy, mark as many squares as you can and challenge yourself to experience public transportation in all the ways residents rely on it, including the ways it can and should work better.
Players who are online are encouraged to share their adventures with the hashtag #TranspoBINGO on all social media. (Players are often most active on Twitter.) Players who are not online can find TranspoBINGO boards in various public locations or contact us for a board to complete. TranspoBINGO can be played anywhere with slight modifications, so join us even if you don’t live in DC. In fact, the game was inspired by Montgomery County’s Action Committee for Transit.
TranspoBINGO Boards and Square Instructions: This year, we have three different TranspoBINGO boards. Boards are assigned by your first initial.
- A-I: Rosa Parks board
- J-Q: A. Philip Randolph board
- R-Z: Kittie Knox board
Some squares appear on all three boards, while others vary but follow a similar theme. You may only mark one square per trip (no double dipping!). And if the board is too easy for you, we encourage stretching your attempts, including by trying one square per round trip.
Read below for more details and examples to guide you through this year’s TranspoBINGO boards.
- Honor a transpo hero: It’s a new square! In honor of this year’s theme, tell us all about an active transportation hero. We love history, especially local DC history, and creativity in honoring our heroes.
- Let’s learn our history: They’re new(ish) squares! And we’re dedicated to exploring more of our region’s active transportation history.
*Find a fort, share a fact: Did you know there are 68 forts in DC? Learn some history, take active transportation, and share what you learn.
*Find a boundary stone, share a fact: It’s a new square! Did you know the remaining boundary stones, which line the current and former boundaries of DC, are the oldest federal monuments? Learn some history, take active transportation, and share your journeys. (There’s even a bike route that hits all the stones).
*Find a historic transpo spot, share a fact: Whether it’s a museum, repurposed transit stop, or hidden gem, take active transportation to a historic spot and share what you learn.
- Thank a bus driver or other transit worker (always): We know, we know. This is something we should always do. But, can you go big with a letter, sign, or something else? It’s a good opportunity to learn about ATU Local 689 – our local transit worker union.
- Get your city services on (with 311): Us nerds love our city services requests. The more the better!
*Submit a traffic safety input request: It’s a new square! “Traffic Safety Input” is the request for traffic calming at an intersection or other specific location. Kudos for sharing how this process works and how it can be better.
*Submit a request for traffic calming around a school: Our elected officials recognize the importance of traffic calming around schools, but there’s still more work to do. Submit your 311 request(s) and share what would make traveling to school safer for families, teachers, and school staff?
*Submit a request to fix lapsed infrastructure: We’ve all experienced traffic safety infrastructure that’s broken or missing. Whether it’s a broken bollard or flex post, needed crosswalk or bike lane striping, or something else, tell 311 what needs to be repaired.
- Transpo to support a local business: We love public and active transportation. And we love our local small businesses. Travel to support a local small business, and give a shoutout to both! (We’ve even inspired other bingo games supporting our local small businesses!)
- Let’s be accessible: Universal design creates public spaces for equal access by individuals of all ages and abilities. We’ve experienced a lot of hurdles here, and we want to hear from you what can work better.
*Tranpso to people watch from a bench: Enjoy the people and sites of our fair city from a bench. What is the vista? Are you comfortable? Where could there be more benches and seating across the city?
*Use or identify a public bathroom: Public restrooms are sorely limited across our city (and other cities). Help identify their locations and advocate for more public restrooms for the needs and comfort of all our residents.
*Transpo via a stop with a shelter: We love bus shelters. And we know they are essential for those who need a place to sit, to provide shade and protection from rain and snow, and to improve traffic safety around transit stops. Enjoy a shelter and highlight where they are well placed and where we need more.
- New-to-you travel: One of our main goals is trying something new and learning about how it works (and maybe doesn’t). Share with us what you learned.
*Transpo via a new-to-you Metro line or bus route: Check out a Metro line or bus route you’ve never used. Where did it take you and how did it go?
*Transpo from or to a new-to-you stop: Start or end a trip from a new-to-you stop. What do you observe?
*Transpo via a new-to-you mode: Have you always wanted to try a scooter? Or an electric bike? Or roller skates? Give them a whirl! The Anacostia Skate Park is a creator favorite!
- Host a community clean up at a transpo stop or park (aka 52 trash pickup!): Active transportation, public spaces, AND beautifying our neighborhoods. It’s a TranspoBINGO sweet spot and creator favorite. Keep track of how much trash you collect by bags or weight. And, if you’re up for it, sign up to adopt your block and keep it clean.
- Let’s crunch the numbers: They’re new(ish) squares! Check your data and tell us your numbers over the course of TranpoBINGO. How much did your data change?
*Check your Metro card balance: Whether it’s a physical SmarTrip card or your phone, check your balance and make sure you have enough fare for TranspoBINGO. Tell us how lower or no-fare Metro trips might change the ways you travel?
*Check your miles or distance traveled: Do you track your steps? Miles traveled on Metro or Capital Bikeshare? Distance to your destination? Share with us how far you’ve gone and the numbers you’ve reached.
*Calculate your environmental impact: Share the ways your non-car travel positively impacts your carbon footprint. You can use this tool to help figure out your annual carbon footprint.
- Transport something unusual on transpo: Ever dream of taking a mattress on Metrobus? Jugs of milk on your handlebars? What can you challenge yourself to carry on active transportation?
- Car-free week: This square is designed for our elected officials and will keep our overachievers challenged. About 36 percent of DC residents don’t use a personal vehicle. Can you go car free for the entire week? If not, can you reduce your car trips? What makes it challenging to not use a car or reduce your car use?
- Mind the gap! It’s a new square since this year’s TranspoBINGO falls on Leap Day! We’re taking some of our favorite squares and adding new squares that reflect using active transportation to visit new places and neighborhoods.
*Leap across water: Take a bus ride over the Anacostia River. Or go kayaking. Share with us the ways you use active transportation to cross water to visit other parts of the city.
*Leap across state lines: We’re a region, and that means we’re closely connected to Maryland and Virginia. Take a train, bus, or other form of active transportation to visit a different state. What challenges exist as a larger Metropolitan region? What have you learned about public transportation in our neighboring states?
*Leap across quadrants: Use active transportation to travel across DC to a different quadrant. Whether it’s NW → SE or SW → NE, there’s a lot in our city to explore.
- DIY TranspoBINGO square: This one’s up to you! Let us know what you come up with because we learn something new from this square every year.
- Let’s get creative: TranspoBINGO is for artists! Combine your love of active transportation with art.
*Create active transportation art: Whether it’s drawing, building with legos, or creating a photo collage, show us your creativity while promoting active transportation.
*Dress up for transpo: This is a TranspoBINGO creator favorite. Kudos for costumes, quirky flare, and transpo-themed outfits.
*TransPOETRY: It’s a new square! Write a poem (perhaps a love poem) about active transportation.
- Transpo is for lovers: It’s a new square! Use active transportation as a group, to go on a date, or to otherwise connect with the people you love. Share how active transportation helped you connect.
- Spot WMATA GM/other celeb on transpo: Spot WMATA’s General Manager, your favorite Councilmember, Secretary Pete Buttigieg, or another celebrity on public or active transportation. Bike lane flybys count, too!
- New-to-you public space: TranspoBINGO also highlights how we use and access our public spaces. Share with us what you explored. Was it accessible?
*Transpo to new-to-you library: Check out a new-to-you public library via active transportation. We love to hear what is great about our public libraries!
*Transpo to new-to-you park: Check out a new-to-you public park via active transportation. Bonus points if you distinguish DC-owned parks and National Park Service parks (and highlight some of the differences and challenges of non-DC owned public spaces).
*Transpo to new-to-you recreation or senior center: We love our District Department of Parks and Recreation. Whether it’s basketball, soccer, pickleball, or playing bingo, take active transportation to a recreation or senior center and share your joy.
- Mulit-modal trip (use 3+ modes of active transportation): We say three, but can you do more? Kudos for stretching – doing something new, creative, or otherwise interesting.
- Let’s take some trails and lanes: Did you know DC has 62 miles of multi-use trails, a handful of bus-only lanes, and about 24 miles of protected bike lanes (as of 2021)? Let’s get exploring!
*Transpo via multi-use path: Show us the beauty (and utility!) of multi-use paths, whether it’s the Anacostia River Trail, Metropolitan Branch Trail, or something else.
*Transpo via Protected Bike Lane: Protected bike lanes are the best (in our opinion!). Use a protected bike lane and share what went well (and even where we need more of them).
*Transpo via dedicated bus lane: We love buses and we love dedicated bus lanes! Bonus points for highlighting ways our bus lanes might work better, including references to DDOT’s Bus Priority Plan.
- It’s Electric (boogie woogie, woogie): They’re new(ish) squares! Here – we’re highlighting our growing electric options for active transportation.
*Transpo via electric bus: Our electric bus fleet is growing! Can you find one and take a ride?
*Transpo via streetcar: Streetcar is one of the most environmentally friendly ways to transpo. Take a ride on our only Streetcar line and compare it to our historic network of streetcars.
*Transpo bia electric bike: Biking up hills can be intimidating! Try out an electric bike and sail into the sunset.
- Let’s advocate: We love pestering our elected officials and agency leaders. Get engaged and tell them what can work better.
*Attend transpo-themed community meeting: Advisory Neighborhood Commission meetings, Bicycle or Pedestrian Advisory Council meetings, and District Department of Transportation meetings all count.
*Send thoughts on a local (or national) transpo issue to an elected official: We don’t just want our elected officials to play, we want them to hear from residents about what can be better. So send a text, email, letter, or call your Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, Councilmember, the Mayor, or a national elected official (like for the Stronger Communities through Better Transit Act).
*Join or connect with a transpo org: It’s a new square! Whether it’s the newly formed Ward 8 Bike Alliance, a well-established transportation or pedestrian focused organization, or another community group, join or connect with them to engage more on active transportation issues. Or even start your own group!
- Let’s get weird: We love the less common ways to get around via active transportation. Like Pokemon – can you catch ‘em all?
*Transpo via accordion bus: Take a trip that wiggles and giggles. It’s a creator favorite, especially for the Monsters. Sit in the middle of the bus if you want to have more fun!
*Transpo via wrapped train or bus: Can you spot or ride on a train or bus with seasonal signage or wrapping? How about Metro’s Money Train?
*Bike on bus or train: Since 2019, it’s been easy to bring your bike on the train. It’s a creator favorite, especially for the Monsters. Give it a try and tell us how it worked for you.
- Transpo with a transfer: They’re new squares! Here – we want you to experience transfers and take multiple trips via the same mode. Make sure to note how they compare.
*Transpo via 3+ bike lanes: Bike lanes come in all different shapes and sizes. Travel via 3+ lanes and tell us what worked best.
*Transpo via 2+ bus routes: Buses will take you anywhere you need to go, but sometimes you need to take multiple lines. Where do you go that requires more than one bus?
*Transpo via 3+ Metro lines: Travel via three Metro lines and share your adventures. We know the overachievers will find a way to take a trip that uses every line or even every stop!
- Find your way with transpo: It’s a new square! Share some of your favorite active transportation signage or placemaking. What helps you find your way? What signs, art, or other placemaking are fun or quirky?
- Transpo to TranspoBINGO happy hour: It’s our attempt to keep you overachievers from filling your board before the week is over. And it’s fun! Join us for celebration and lessons learned at the end of TranspoBINGO.
TranspoBINGO Happy Hour & Prizes: Don’t forget to join us to share your experiences, meet participants, and collect prizes on February 29th, starting at 6 pm at Metrobar (640 Rhode Island Avenue, NE). Prizes will include most creative, most squares marked (for first-time players and for repeat players), and more! Stay tuned here for more details, including happy hour drink specials.
Sponsors: We are so grateful to our event sponsors, Black Women Bike DC, Greater Greater Washington, Coalition for Smarter Growth, and the Ward 8 Bike Alliance. If you are interested in being a sponsor please reach out to us.
Want to know more? Check out our GGWash article.